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October 31 2023
Updated October 30 2023

How to show the list of all databases in MySQL?

Databases Linux


The integration of Database Management Systems (DBMS) is imperative, driven by a multitude of compelling imperatives. Foremost, DBMS systems furnish an impeccably structured and methodical framework for the efficacious storage and administration of expansive datasets. They ensure data integrity and precision, orchestrating the seamless facilitation of concurrent access and alterations by diverse users, all the while upholding the tenets of data consistency and reliability, attributes of paramount importance to enterprises and applications reliant upon the veracity and uniformity of their data.

Furthermore, DBMS systems offer an aegis of formidable security measures, including stringent user authentication and robust data encryption, effectively fortifying the bastion of protection for sensitive information against any untoward breaches or unwarranted encroachments. In addition, they empower the facile retrieval, in-depth analysis, and comprehensive reporting of data, thereby manifesting as a linchpin for decision-making steeped in data-driven discernment.

In that tutorial we consider one topic of administration DB: different ways to check list database on your DBMS system!

Ways to see Databases

In the most of configuration usage DBMS we have installed version to server without GUI, which help interactively navigate through the whole system. That costs help to save efficiency, space memory and other resources on the server machine. But manage such system become difficult tusk for unprepared user so we can fix that! In the CLI of your running server enter command below:

mysql -u root -h localhost -p
Get into
Screenshot №1 — Get into

In that case you need to replace root, localhost for your credential optional. Option -u means user which will connect to the system, -h means target host for connection and -p authentification by password. After that enter password and wait login system proceed. Alright!

Now we can use command to see all DB:

Show DB
Screenshot №2 — Show DB

The I/O system display on our screen short information about created DB in the system. It's important to highlight! Command not case-sensitive, you can write them in the different way, but label and name of DB, tables, user and another objects in contrast case-sensitive!

Second way to see list of DB, by use GUI system in the WEB its phpMyadmin. In that case you need to have pre-installed web-part of system:

Screenshot №3 — DB GUI

At the top of the screen in the tab, you can see Databases, by click to that field at the left list will displayed!


This tutorial has equipped you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate and manage databases effectively, whether through command-line interactions or user-friendly GUI interfaces.

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