What is NAT?
NAT (Network Address Translation), or network address translation, is a mechanism that allows you to map one IP address to another. It provides Internet access for internal network devices using only one external WAN port IP address.
The mechanism hides private network addresses from external users and provides confidentiality and additional security for data within the network.
What is Firewall?
A Firewall is a system that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic. It is necessary to ensure the security of a computer network from Internet users and external threats.
A Firewall acts like a wall that restricts Internet traffic inside or outside a private network. A firewall controls Internet activity and allows or denies access to devices.
How to deploy Edge Gateways?
To deploy Edge Gateway and configure NAT and Firewall rules in the Control Panel, you should:
- Select a Data Center and the desired channel bandwidth;
- Select the isolated networks you want to connect;
- In the created gateway add NAT / Firewall rules and fill in all fields.
Deploy Edge Gateway .