New LLM GPT PHI-4 from Microsoft available now!
Daniil Fedorov
November 1 2024
Updated November 1 2024

Automated Builds

Automated Builds is a feature of Docker Hub that allows you to automatically create Docker images from source code. With this feature, every time the code in a repository is updated—such as on GitHub or Bitbucket—the process of building a new image is automatically triggered. This is particularly convenient for CI/CD integration, as it helps keep images up to date and minimizes manual actions.

How Automated Builds Work

  • Repository Connection: First, you need to link Docker Hub with the repository where the code is stored (for example, GitHub or Bitbucket).
  • Trigger Setup for Updates: A build is automatically initiated with each commit or branch change in the repository.
  • Image Creation: Docker Hub creates a new image based on the Dockerfile and uploads it to the designated repository.
  • Tags and Versions: You can configure tags for image versions, allowing each new build to be accessible with the appropriate tag.

Advantages of Automated Builds

  • Automation and Time Savings: Developers are relieved from the need to manually update and upload images.
  • Ensured Relevance: Images are always up to date and synchronized with the latest code changes.
  • Convenient Versioning: The ability to set tags aids in managing image versions, which is beneficial for deployment and testing.

Automated Builds simplifies the application deployment process by keeping their images current without unnecessary effort.

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