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William Bell
May 1 2020
Updated June 7 2023

Adding disk space after extension in Windows Server 2008 R2

VPS Windows

After disk space is added to a server in a panel, do the following to make it usable by Windows Server 2008 R2.

Open "Computer Management".
"Start Menu" - "Administrative Tools" - "Computer Management":

Screenshot 1: adding disk space WS 2008 - computer management

Open "Disk Management".

In the left panel, select "Disk Management" in Storage folder. Press F5 to refresh the window and see the unallocated area. In the bottom right panel, you will see an Unallocated space (40 GB in the below example):

Screenshot 2: adding disk space WS 2008 - unallocated area

Click "Extend Volume".

Select a volume to be extended and right-click on it. In a menu that opens, select "Extend Volume":

Screenshot 2: adding disk space WS 2008 - extend volume

"Extend Volume Wizard" will open:

Screenshot 3: adding disk space WS 2008 - extend volume wizard

Select the size of the unallocated space you want to allocate (in most cases, you should select all available space). Click "Next":

Screenshot 4: adding disk space WS 2008 - disk selection

Done. Verify that no unallocated space is shown in "Computer Manager":

Screenshot 5: adding disk space WS 2008 - verifying

and that Computer window displays the updated disk size:

Screenshot 6: adding disk space WS 2008 - checking

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