New LLM GPT PHI-4 from Microsoft available now!
William Bell
May 1 2020
Updated June 7 2023

Configuring network adapter in Windows

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Configuring network interface after the server is connected to a network in Windows.

Step 1

Connect to a virtual server over RDP and then right-click Network Connection Settings in bottom right corner of Windows desktop to open Network and Sharing Center:

Screenshot 1: open network and sharing center

In a window that opens, select the required interface, which has no network access:

Screenshot 2: configuring network adapter

An interface status window will open. To make sure that the required interface is selected, click Details:

Screenshot 3: details of ethernet status

Compare the value in Physical Address field with the value in MAC field on control panel:

Screenshot 4: compare MACs in control panel and network settings
Screenshot 5: compare MACs in control panel and network settings

Step 2

If DHСP option was enabled during network creation on a panel, then Windows network adapter will be configured automatically. Check whether the option is enabled or disabled in network properties on control panel:

Screenshot 7: check DHCP status in ServerSpace control panel

Step 3

If DHСP option was NOT enabled during network creation in a panel, then you must perform configuration manually. Open adapter properties by clicking Properties:

Screenshot 8: network settings - properties

Select IPv4 connection and click Properties:

Screenshot 9: ethernet settings? IPv4 properties

In a window that opens, enter the assigned address in IP address field and enter subnet mask in Subnet mask field. You may view all values on the panel in the server settings (Networks section) or in Network menu:

Screenshot 10: check ip address in ServerSpace control panel
Screenshot 11: set the following IP address

Save your changes.

Step 4

To check network adapter configuration, execute ping to a default gateway IP address, such as:


Note: Checking in Windows Server 2016 requires pinging another local server:

Screenshot 12: ping another local server

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