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Updated November 29 2023

How to Connect with SWIFT Object Storage through CLI on Oracle?


In today's fast-paced business environment, companies are constantly faced with new challenges and tasks that require innovative solutions. However, these problems often arise due to a lack of specialized resources, time constraints, or inadequate management from decision-makers. As a result, organizations may end up with unsuitable solutions or systems that fail to meet their needs. In this context, haziness can lead to further complications and hinder the success of plans.

To overcome these challenges, automation and outsourcing cloud platforms are becoming increasingly popular as they provide fault-tolerance, horizontal scalability, and ease of control for system solutions. One such service is Serverspace: Object Storage — SWIFT, which provides a highly structured system that can contain data within containers using its method or metadata. In contrast to traditional file servers or cloud storage, SWIFT offers several advantages, including the ability to store large amounts of unstructured data and easily search for it later on.

Setup CLI

To begin, let us update our indexes and packages first. We will utilize the yum packet manager for Oracle:

yum update -y
Update packages
Screenshot №1 — Update packages

Following the update of indexes and packages, the next step is to install the Python package manager, through which we can search for and download the client utility that allows us to manage our storage:

yum install python3-pip
Download pip
Screenshot №2 — Download pip

Obviously, next step will be download API client on the system:

pip3 install python-swiftclient python-keystoneclient
Download client
Screenshot №3 — Download client

Typically, many Linux distributions come with the packages already installed; however, keeping them up to date is crucial. If Python and pip3 are already installed but pip3 cannot be found, we can utilize the following command to enable the package manager for Python.

python -m ensurepip --default-pip

In case the previous solution does not resolve the issue, we may need to remove any existing versions of Python and pip3 before attempting a fresh installation. Alternatively, we could try updating the currently installed packages.

yum reinstall python3-pip

These steps should help us resolve any issues encountered and provide the necessary tools to manage our storage.

Configuration and Usage

To proceed with ordering Swift Storage from Serverspace, log in to your account and navigate to the Storage section on the left-hand side of the page. If you have already ordered Swift Storage, feel free to skip this step:

Main page
Screenshot №4 — Main page

Once you find the Activate button centered on the screen, click it and allow a few seconds for the deployment process to begin. You will now be able to access the main management interface for your Swift Storage:

Activated storage
Screenshot №5 — Activated storage

Of course, you can manage your data using a web interface for personal use, which may be more convenient. However, when dealing with corporate networks, automation is often necessary. To begin, press the Add Container button and provide it with a name. After that, upload a file to test the connection further:

Upload file
Screenshot №6 — Upload file

Please locate the Tab labeled Credentials on your screen, then click on it to access the section pertaining to Swift connections:

Screenshot №7 — Credentials

For the time being, kindly keep this information handy. Next, please access the device that contains the downloaded client software. Once there, locate the command prompt and input your credentials as displayed in the table. This will enable us to establish a connection with SWIFT storage and manipulate data:

swift \
--os-storage-url $(Endpoint)/v1/AUTH_$(UserID) \
--os-password $(Password) \
--os-username $(Username) \
--os-project-name $(Project) \
--os-project-domain-name $(Domain) \
--os-auth-url $(Endpoint) \
stat -v

In our case, command will look like this:

swift --os-storage-url --os-password 6bfa1hdD2Dzr --os-username ssio6578_admin --os-project-name ssio6578 --os-project-domain-name default --os-auth-url download STORE
Connect and download
Screenshot №8 — Connect and download

Observe that this command is a request to the API for retrieving data from storage, utilizing your provided credentials. To verify the downloaded information, you may employ the following command:


To streamline the authentication process and manage access to your storage, consider creating an alias entry within your user login script:

echo "alias swift_request='swift --os-storage-url --os-password 6bfa1hdD2Dzr --os-username ssio6578_admin --os-project-name ssio6578 --os-project-domain-name default --os-auth-url'" >> ~/.bashrc
Make alias
Screenshot №9 — Make alias

You may choose a descriptive name for this request, such as swift_request. In case your login credentials have been updated (e.g., following a storage reactivation or other reasons), you can modify them in the .bashrc file by executing the command provided below:

nano ~/.bashrc

Necessarily! You have to save entering alias by the command:

source .bashrc

To ensure proper function, kindly remove any unnecessary files associated with the storage container:

swift_request delete STORE
Check alias request
Screenshot №10 — Check alias request

By executing the swift_request alias, you will initiate a sequence of commands defined within the corresponding script. Following this, you can append additional parameters to the request as needed.


In summary, this tutorial offers an in-depth exploration of how to connect Object Storage with SWIFT CLI on Oracle. It emphasizes the importance of organized approaches and demonstrates the benefits of utilizing automation and cloud services for enhanced efficiency. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will gain a thorough understanding of the process and be well-equipped to implement it successfully.

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