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October 20 2023
Updated October 17 2023

Python string concatenation


What is it?

Concatenation strings in Python represent consolidation of two or more strings in one example. That can be helpful in the process of working with automatization tasks and routine actions. We consider classic and newer ways of unification, you can use that in your program and choose a more effective approach: operators and methods!

Operator and Join

In the classic case we can use operator + to unified two or more at the past declared implicitly through the variable or explicitly in the line of command strings:

string1 = "Hi"
string2 = "Serverspace!"
string_res = string1 + ", " + string2

In the result string we use an operator with the same data structures and without any problem we have one row in output. We can declare and consolidate in the explicitly way:

string_res = "Hi" + ", " + "Serverspace"

Also don’t remind about hybrid declare:

string_between = ", "
res = "Hi" + string_between + "Serverspace!"

For using method of string type join, at the first we need to declare list of strings, that we will use:

strings_bef = ["Hi", "Serverspace"]
res= ", ".join(strings_bef)

Comma in the quotation marks means separated sign, if we . Also we can declare in another way:

string1 = "Hi"
res = ", ".join([string1, "Serverspace"])

But if we want to concatenate different data structures, then we need to use method str or format!


Also as in examples above we can declare that in one line through the str() method:

years = 35
text = "Congratulations on the " + str(years) + "th " + "anniversary"

In the output of that code snippet we get the line "Congratulations on the 35th anniversary".

If you have prepared data you should use the method below:

first = 5
second = "car’s"
res = "I have {} {}".format(first, second)

In that way the sign {} means field for the data and in the attribute to format we indicate the same data.

However, there is one more way to concatenate string, through the f-row:

goals = 10
print(f"I have done {goals} tasks!")

As a result we can see: "I have done 10 tasks!", in my opinion, that is a more comfortable and fast way to concatenate!


In conclusion, mastering Python string concatenation is an indispensable skill for any programmer. Whether you're working on simple text manipulation tasks or complex data processing projects, understanding how to efficiently join and manipulate strings in Python can greatly enhance your coding capabilities.

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