Graphical User Interface (GUI) is an essential component of modern computing, providing users with a visual and interactive way to interact with software, applications, and operating systems. Using a GUI offers several advantages that contribute to a more user—friendly and efficient computing experience:
- Intuitiveness: GUIs are designed with icons, menus, buttons, and visual elements that are familiar and easy to understand. Users can quickly grasp how to perform tasks without the need for extensive technical knowledge or memorizing complex commands.
- Ease of Use: GUIs simplify complex operations and tasks, making them accessible to a broader range of users. With point—and—click interactions, users can navigate through options and features effortlessly.
- Reduced Learning Curve: Compared to command—line interfaces, GUIs typically have a shallower learning curve. Users can quickly become productive without the need to remember commands or syntax.
- Visual Feedback: GUIs provide real—time visual feedback, allowing users to see the results of their actions instantly. This immediate feedback enhances productivity and minimizes errors.
- Multitasking: GUIs enable users to work with multiple applications and windows simultaneously, making multitasking more efficient and manageable.
- Graphical Representation: Complex data and information can be presented visually, using charts, graphs, and images, making it easier to analyze and understand.
- User Interaction: GUIs facilitate interactive elements such as drag—and—drop, resizing windows, and sliders, enabling users to interact with applications in a more engaging and interactive manner.
- Accessibility: GUIs often include accessibility features, making computing more inclusive for users with disabilities. Features like screen readers, magnifiers, and keyboard shortcuts enhance usability for a diverse user base.
- Standardization: Many GUIs follow common design principles and user interface guidelines, which provide consistency across different applications and platforms, leading to a more uniform user experience.
- Visual Appeal: Well—designed GUIs enhance the aesthetic aspect of using a computer, creating an enjoyable and visually pleasing user experience.
While GUIs offer numerous advantages, it's essential to acknowledge that they may not be suitable for every scenario. In some cases, tasks may be more efficiently accomplished through command—line interfaces, especially for advanced users, system administrators, and developers who require greater control and automation.
In summary, GUIs play a vital role in modern computing by offering an intuitive, user—friendly, and visually appealing experience that empowers users to interact with software and operating systems effortlessly. The combination of GUI and CLI provides users with a versatile computing environment that caters to different needs and preferences.
- Root rights;
- Debian 12 or higher version;
- Several knowledge about work OS ;
- Internet connection.
First of all we need to update and upgrade system packages in our machine for their properly work:
apt update && apt upgrade -y

Let's install rdp server adaptive for Linux OS in our example we use Debian 12, find necessary packages by the command below:
apt list | grep xrdp

If you see red letter that means you have packets to installation and you need to write their labels into the command below, but significant reminder: labels — it's letter and symbols before slash!
Code for a packet from the example screenshot:
apt install xrdp

Press Y button for installation will start and download dependency libraries for properly work all remote system. However, if you don't have that packages in the list you need to add repository following the rules and typing command below:
nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/other.list
And enter that raws, if you need to use with source code then delete hashtag:
deb jammy multiverse
# deb-src jammy multiverse
deb jammy-updates multiverse
# deb-src jammy-updates multiverse
After this update all indexes of packages and renew repositories:
apt update

Alright, now we can connect through rdp to Debian, ensure that your firewall access traffic to port 3389:
sudo ufw allow 3389
Let's switch to the Windows machine and start rdp utility by open search engine pressing button with icon Windows. Type Remote and choose utility:

Click on it and enter hostname and username into the accordance field:

Click on the button Connect and wait reply from the entering server:

Entering are needed credentials and click at the OK:

Congratulations! We are in the system and connected through RDP protocol.
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a fundamental aspect of modern computing, offering users a visually interactive way to engage with software, applications, and operating systems. The advantages of using a GUI are manifold, including its intuitive design, ease of use, reduced learning curve, real—time visual feedback, multitasking capabilities, graphical representation of complex data, and user interaction through various interactive elements.
GUIs also enhance accessibility, standardization, and visual appeal, making them an indispensable tool for a wide range of users, from beginners to advanced professionals. However, it is crucial to recognize that GUIs may not always be the most efficient choice for every situation, especially for certain tasks where the command—line interface (CLI) excels in providing greater control, automation, and flexibility.