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Joe Harris
December 30 2020
Updated June 7 2023

How to Test Internet Connection Speed in CentOS 8

CentOS Linux Networks

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The way to test the speed of the Internet connection in CentOS 8 is different from that in desktop systems, where it can be done simply in a browser. In this tutorial, we will install the Speedtest CLI and test the speed of the Internet connection using it.

Installing Speedtest CLI in CentOS 8

First download the Speedtest CLI repository.

wget -O speedtest.repo

Now move it to the system repository list.

sudo mv speedtest.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

Check if other versions are installed on the system.

rpm -qa | grep speedtest

Remove them if found.

sudo dnf remove speedtest-cli

Now install the official version of Speedtest CLI.

sudo dnf install speedtest

Internet connection speed test

To run the test, enter the following command and accept the license:



Do you accept the license? [type YES to accept]: yes
License acceptance recorded. Continuing.
Speedtest by Ookla
Server: Server’s name and ID
ISP: Itglobalcom Bel LLC
Latency: 1.32 ms (0.07 ms jitter)
Download: 90.73 Mbps (data used: 109.7 MB)
Upload: 92.45 Mbps (data used: 41.7 MB)
Packet Loss: 0.0%
Result URL:

To see all available Speedtest CLI options, enter:

speedtest -h

5 out of 5
Аverage rating : 5
Rated by: 1
33145 North Miami, FL 2520 Coral Way apt 2-135
+1 302 425-97-76
700 300
700 300
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