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April 5 2024
Updated April 5 2024

Types of notifications in the Serverspace control panel

Control panel

To ensure comfortable work in Serverspace control panel, our team uses different types of notifications. With their help you can understand what is happening in your account, and most importantly why.

Notifications to administrators

There are three types:
1)Informational notifications (gray), such as technical work:

Grey notification

2)Warning notifications (yellow), such as data center unavailability:

Yellow notification

3) "Important" notifications (red color), for example, some changes in the work of the service:

Red notification

System Notifications

Notifications of a successful toast are displayed in green, e.g. successful creation of a server snapshot:

Green notification - created a snapshot

Information notices - yellow color, for example, about the need to fill in some data:

Yellow notification - fill in some information

Error notifications are shown in red, such as not specified data:

Red notififcation - specify

Notifications from technical support

You may also receive notifications from the administrator, these come both in the control panel and to your email. These notifications can be warning notifications, such as when illegal activity has been committed from your server, or notifications of blocking:

notifications from the administrator

Please note that you should regularly check your control panel for notifications.

Our marketing team may also use notifications to communicate with you about your experience interacting with the dashboard. Your feedback is always welcome!

If you have any questions about the notifications you receive, you can contact support in the control panel.

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