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November 29 2024
Updated November 29 2024

What is a Dockerfile and how do I write one?


To automate deployment tasks, many people are actively using Docker, downloading pre-built images from DockerHub. They save a lot of time, will go up with 90% probability, and are easy to configure. But what if none of the existing images are suitable? Or you need to create your own that automates the work of doing things on the machine?

For this purpose, just there is Dockerfile, which allows you to define the order of actions and form a new file system structure in layers. But we'll talk about everything in a row in the article below!

What is Dockerfile?

Dockerfile is a text document that contains instructions for creating an image, otherwise known as a script. It is what allows to automate the deployment of services and software. Its role is to make changes to the standard OS file system, and then it can run with the changes in an isolated environment!

Screenshot №1 — Container

On the left you can see the layers or actions performed on the OS, and on the right the OS files themselves, where they are applied. The algorithm consists of the following steps:

  1. A Dockerfile is compiled that specifies the actions to be performed;
  2. The user invokes the Docker client command to build the image: docker build;
  3. The daemon receives the request from the client and starts building an image based on the minimal OS;
  4. Once created, the image or file system cast, will be sent to the repository by the daemon;
  5. When the container is created, it will be invoked and deployed in an isolated environment.

Let's imagine that we need to create our own database service deployment image that will be used as a server not in a cluster.

Create your Dockerfile

Let's follow the algorithm described earlier and describe all the necessary actions that need to be performed for the service to work, for example, it may look like this:

Screenshot №2 — Dockerfile

You may notice the syntax as capitalised words used to handle actions on the machine. Let's consider each of them:

  • FROM this command allows you to define which image will be used as the basis for your work. In our case, Ubuntu is the latest version;
  • COPY allows you to copy files from the host machine to the guest machine;
  • CMD command, which will be executed when the container is booted;
  • RUN this command will run your code in a shell on the machine, when running, a normal script instruction;
  • ENV will set an environment variable to use at runtime;
  • USER will switch to user, at runtime;
  • WORKDIR will set the working directory where subsequent commands will be executed.

Note! The script is executed sequentially, which means that the actions up to USER will be executed as root user, the others as specified for them above. The same detail applies to the working directory.

If we go briefly through the script, we can distinguish three main blocks. In the first one, pre-installation actions were performed on behalf of root: software installation, user and group creation, as well as switching to a user. After all the dependencies were installed, on behalf of mysql user we downloaded the public key of EDS and wrote repositories. And in the 3rd stage we installed the software and opened the port on the machine for connection.

Let's create an image called gg using the docker utility:

sudo docker build -t gg .

The -t option indicates the name of the future image, and the dot indicates the current directory where the Dockerfile should be found.

New image
Screenshot №3 — New image

After a short manipulation, we get a response that the Docker image is generated and ready to use. Now we can either upload it to a repository or use it to create containers. This is the form in which ready-made deployment solutions are usually distributed. Let's create a container for it and run the command:

sudo docker run -d -it gg && sudo docker ps
New container
Screenshot №4 — New container

As you can see, the image container is up and running successfully, with the port forwarded and the autoload command executed. But there is another way to create a container at once. For this we will use Docker Compose, the Docker container orchestration utility, or rather its configuration file. Where we specify that the image should be created first and then the container should be launched based on it.
This way allows to solve the configuration problem. Not all systems and services can be flexibly configured via Docker Compose file, so sometimes it is necessary to configure the configuration of the required service or software and then build the image. Let's create a docker-compose.yml file:

sudo nano docker-compose.yml

Inside the file we will write the following parameters in markup language to start the container:

version: '3.8'
services :
app :
dockerfile: Dockerfile
container_name: my_app_container
ports :
- "3306:3306"
environment :
- ENV_VAR=value
tty: true
stdin_open: true
restart: always
Screenshot №5 — Docker-compose

The build item allows you to define the directory where the Dockerfile is located and its name below. After that the container itself is configured: ports are forwarded, name, environment variables, etc. are set. Let's start the container with the command:

sudo docker-compose up -d
Start container
Screenshot №6 — Start container

The result is a running service in a virtualised environment, which we described in a couple of lines. Let's repeat that Dockerfile is used to create an image and Docker compose is used to configure the container. Just these two files allow to automate the deployment process and speed up the service installation to two commands instead of a dozen.

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Create Server
Screenshot №7 — Create Server
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