New LLM GPT PHI-4 from Microsoft available now!
Andrew Monsoon
August 28 2023
Updated September 4 2023

Serverspace launched CDN

Cloud provider Serverspace integrated the Content Delivery Network (CDN) service. It gives users two options for connecting their domain to the CDN: through zone delegation or by setting up A and CNAME records. This gives users the freedom to choose how best to integrate a CDN into their current structure.

Content Delivery Network

A CDN (content delivery network) is a distributed infrastructure of servers hosted in different geographic locations. The CDN service significantly improves the speed of content delivery to end users and reduces the load on the main server.

Server resources located on three continents are united in a geo-distributed structure covering 5 points of presence: the United States, Canada, the Netherlands,  Turkey, and Kazakhstan. Soon, the geographic coverage is planned to be expanded with the addition of three new locations: Brazil, the UAE, and Singapore.

Switching to a CDN service provides several significant benefits: reduced site response latency, increased web page load speed, and improved SEO ranking. This is achieved by redirecting content from servers optimally close to the user. Requests for web pages are handled automatically, providing instant content from a nearby server.

Serverspace will continue to integrate service management tools. Shortly, the service plans to expand the geographic scope of the service as well as add the ability to track the geography of requests to CDN-connected domains.

How do I connect a domain to the Serverspace CDN?

  • Create an account on Serverspace;
  • Go to the CDN tab and select the connection method: via zone delegation or CNAME record;
  • Follow the instructions in the panel;
  • Click the "Connect" button.

*Instructions are available in the control panel in the CDN settings section.

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