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November 29 2024
Updated November 29 2024

SSH keygen: creating and deleting keys

Linux Networks Security Windows

Then the encryption algorithm or Ciphers starts its work, which already allows to confidentially exchange information between servers, having previously announced a common session key. The symmetric algorithm is predominantly used, as the channel is already protected and it is possible to use a more efficient solution.

In our case, ssh-keygen allows you to create keys for the first step - authentication. In that article we consider keygen for windows 10 and another versions of OS include Linux!

How do I create SSH keys?

The scheme for Linux and Windows is typical, but differs only in the directories used. After going to the terminal you need to call the ssh-keygen utility, if you do not specify parameters, the keys will be created with default parameters.

ssh-keygen && ls –la ~/.ssh/
Default key
Screenshot №1 — Default key

For an ssh server, this would be the /etc/ssh directory:

ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

The authentication algorithm will be RSA, the key length is 3076, the comment is username@host of your machine. It is preferable to specify a master password when creating the key, it will keep the private key encrypted. However, if you want to access the target server via an intermediate server with your key, then do not forget to allow redirection of ssh agent in the configuration of servers. We can also use alternative algorithms, specify the -t parameter and the name of the desired one when creating it:

ssh-keygen –t Ed25519 –b 256 –a 24 –C “”
Specified options for key
Screenshot №2 — Specified options for key

Optionally, you can also specify the key length -b, the number of encryption rounds -a, and a comment with -C. Note that the case is case sensitive in this case. The more you choose the key length and encryption rounds, the more time it will take to enumerate it, but also the more resources. It is recommended to choose classical values from 3072 bits in RSA, from 256 bits for Ed25519.

To view the created key hashes, specify the -l option and the key path:

ssh-keygen –l  [path-to-key]
Hash for key
Screenshot №3 — Hash for key

This function is useful when it is necessary to check the fingerprint values when connecting to the server for the first time to avoid MitM. This is important because this is the only stage where spoofing is possible when connecting.

To export public keys, you can use the command:

ssh-keygen –e [path-to-key]
Show key
Screenshot №4 — Show key

This data can be used to authenticate to third-party servers by adding it to the authorised _keys folder.

How do I change the master password on SSH keys?

If you have forgotten your master key, unfortunately there are no measures to recover it. Therefore, you will have to create a new one and distribute it. To change an existing one, specify the -p, -N option with the new password and the path to the file:

ssh-keygen –p –N 123321 –f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
New passphrase
Screenshot №5 — New passphrase

How do I quietly create an SSH key without displaying the output?

This method may be required when you need to create the required keys using a script without output:

ssh-keygen –q –N 123321 –f /home/user1/.ssh/
Quiet key creation
Screenshot №6 — Quiet key creation

As a result, they will lie in the user's folder and be used by the SSH client/agent when authenticating.

How to remove SSH server key fingerprints?

This can help when the server decided to change keys and we haven't updated our know_host entries. SSH client will simply deny the connection and we will not be able to access the machine, to reset the records write the command:

ssh-keygen –R

If a specific port has been specified for the connection, it must also be marked:

ssh-keygen –R []:2222

Such a combination will delete the required records, after which it is necessary to reconnect and verify the key fingerprints. This utility allows you to effectively manage keys, records of authorised servers and organise service operation. In that article we consider openssh pack of utility, that you can download for Linux:

apt install openssh-server

And for Windows you can use Terminal with command:

winget install Microsoft.OpenSSH.Preview

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Create Server
Screenshot №7 — Create Server
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