New LLM GPT PHI-4 from Microsoft available now!
October 22 2024
Updated October 22 2024

The dpi is not working, what to do?

Linux Maintenance Windows

Recently, many users are unable to download content from video hosting services to their devices due to DPI network traffic detection technology. The software detects a call to the service and forbids connection; currently, the proposed GoodbyeDPI solution does not always help in this matter. Below in the article we will consider how to solve the problem and quickly organise connection to the service.

What is DPI and anti-DPI?

DPI or Deep Packet Inspection is software that records all network traffic from an interface, converts it into a structured file format and analyses the contents. Based on patterns, it blocks traffic, and anti-DPI allows you to change these patterns and templates to bypass blocking the network connection.

If you have found that your connection has become much slower or access to a necessary service has disappeared altogether, you should try installing SpoofDPI. This is a similar solution to GoodbyeDPI, but it uses different algorithms. Consider installing both Windows and Linux solutions.

If DPI is not working - solution on Windows

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Create Server
Screenshot №1 — Create Server

Firstly let's check if the device has the necessary software to run the dpi solution, press Win+X and select terminal or Powershell. After that enter the command:

Help page
Screenshot №2 — Help page

If the terminal outputs such help for the utility, then great - you have it installed and ready to work. But if not, you can install it from the official MS Store source and continue with the steps below. Let's download the package with Golang language for DPI instruction compilations:

winget install Golang.Go
Installer of Go
Screenshot №3 — Installer of Go

Afterwards, close the terminal and open it via the already known Win + X combination. This solution will update the paths to the software and provide access to the files. Let's run the command to install the DPI itself from the Github repositories:

go install
Installation process of DPI
Screenshot №4 — Installation process of DPI

This command will download all the sources, load the necessary dependencies, and compile the files. If everything was successful, then repeat the manipulation with a restart of the terminal and enter:

Screenshot №5 — SpoofDPI

The DPI service has been raised on the device, where you now need to direct traffic by proxying for the browser in the settings or use the system ones. To do this, press the keyboard shortcut Win + I and go to ‘Network and Internet’ and then ‘Proxy’, and then fill in the data as indicated in the screenshot:

Proxy settings
Screenshot №6 — Proxy settings

After that, the service loads in a matter of milliseconds and allows you to access resources. But please note that the detection rules are updated and this solution is up to date at the time of publication.

If DPI doesn't work - Linux solution

The scheme is approximately the same, you need to install the compiler, and then download the necessary dependencies. To install it, go to the official Golang site, where you can already choose the necessary version for your OS and processor architecture:

apt autoremove && wget

Unpack the downloaded archive, using the command:

tar -xf go1.22.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Immediately specify new environment variables for working with the language, instead of the template path specify the one where the binary is located. Usually this is the directory where you unzipped the archive:

export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin

And finally install the software by writing the command:

go install
Installation on Linux
Screenshot №7 — Installation on Linux

After that we can access anti-DPI via the command and raise the corresponding proxying service, which will modify the traffic coming to the network point:

SpoofDPI on Linux
Screenshot №8 — SpoofDPI on Linux

And now you can also specify separately for each application or system proxy redirection to this service. After that access to services will not be restricted.

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